The Best Of Makes Ya Think in 2023 (So Far)

Your (and my) favorite blogs so far this year...

We’re officially halfway through 2023.

How are those New Year’s resolutions going?

It’s okay, I too have fell short of a few goals – such as writing this blog every week.

However, I’ve published something most weeks – 24 weeks so far, in fact. I’m proud of that. Writing has helped sharpen my thinking and hopefully, you’ve connected with (and enjoyed) a few of the posts as well.

As the calendar flips to July, I figured why not share a few highlights from the year so far. I’ll include a few of my most popular pieces (the ones you liked most) and a few of my favorites (the ones I liked most).

Have a favorite? Feel free to leave a note in the comment section below (yes, there’s a comment section!).

Thanks for reading.


Most Popular Posts of 2023

Learn why where you live significantly impacts the person you become. Also, see why I love the wisdom Denver whispers to me.

Learn why our personal experiences shape our worldviews – and why we’re all biased to our own personal history. Instead of arguing with those whose views we think are wrong, perhaps we’d all benefit from trying to understand how their past experiences led them to these different views.

Learn why we’re wired to care about what other people think. Humans have an over-the-top obsession with what other people think of them - a craving for social approval and a paralyzing fear of being disliked.

Discover 10 paradoxes about life I’ve found to be true. One of my favorites? The paradox of vulnerability: acknowledging and being open about our flaws actually attracts people to us. When we admit our shortcomings, we show others they can trust us and that we have a high level of self-awareness.

Learn why humans tend to simplify complex issues into two categories (left or right, blue or red, good or bad) – and why this can be troublesome. In reality, very few issues are black and white. Most are filled with many different viewpoints or what I call “shades of gray”.

Not much of a reader? Well, you probably didn’t make it this far, but if so, this one’s for you. It’s a collection of my favorite tweets from the last 10+ years – some insightful, some funny, some not.

My Favorite Posts of 2023 (Not Mentioned Above)

Learn why people regret the things they didn’t do much more than they regret the things they did. Aim to fail forward. (Featuring my favorite movie Before Sunrise).

Learn why action is the cause, not the result of motivation. Once you get started, it’s much easier to start moving forward. Not motivated? Do something - literally anything at all.

Learn why we often misimagine the future. Ever make plans then want to cancel the day of? This piece explains why.

Honorable Mention: How To Slow Down Time

I’m fascinated by the concept of time and how our perception of it can be easily influenced. Learn why embracing novelty and adventure is the only way to make time appear as if it’s slowing down.


Again, I’d love to hear your favorites and which posts resonated the most with you!

Here’s to more thinking (and writing and reading) the rest of 2023.

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